Thai London Therapy is the most highly rated for best Thai massage in the UK, with over 7,000 reviews available online.

Osteopathy is a system where a qualified practitioner will analyse, diagnose and treat pain or dysfunction within the various methods of your body.
Our osteopaths can treat a wide range of medical conditions such as:
-Joint pain and dysfunction in most areas of the body.
–muscle spasms and generalised aches and pains
-Posture and work-related repetitive strain injuries.
-A wide variety of sporting injuries.
Tension and inability to relax.
-Circulatory problems.
-Digestion problems.
-Nerve pain.
We will be implementing vigorous anti corona virus policies which will be available on the Thai London Therapy Website.
Bookings must be made through our osteopaths because he can verbally assess for your suitability of treatment before taking any bookings.
For booking you can email Phone/text/whatts app – 07817891137