Signature Massage
It is the ultimate treatment when it comes to self-indulgence.
The treatment is 120 minutes long consisting of a full
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It is the ultimate treatment when it comes to self-indulgence.
The treatment is 120 minutes long consisting of a full
What is a couples massage?
Enjoy a tension relieving massage with your significant other.
Both people enter the same room
The roots of these techniques are from India and is very different from a normal massage. Normally a person would
What is a sports massage?
This massage offers deeper and heavier movements than conventional massages and is to be used
Suitable for: Acne and combination/oily skin
Achieve a clear complexion and deeply cleanse your skin to leave it feeling fresh,
Ease away tension throughout your body with the use of oil and traditional Swedish massage techniques allowing the therapist to
This treatment uses warm volcanic lava stones that are anointed with aroma essential oils and placed on key energy points
Pre and post-natal massage aids relaxation, rest, recuperation, and provides you with essential “personal time”.
It is performed in a
We scrub away dull skin cells or impurities from the skin surface resulting in a more effective way in detoxifying
Imagine yourself cocooned in a comforting warm blanket while the mud wrap is cleansing your skin.
It will purify and
What is a Bamboo Massage?
This unique and innovative massage uses warm bamboo shoots with different shapes and sizes
Expertly tailored to suit your individual needs using a combination of Thai, Swedish, reflexology, hot stone and deep tissue techniques.
Aromatherapy massage uses the essential oils from plants for therapeutic properties.
Therapists use massage techniques that is tailored to promote
A Thai version of reflexology using a tool to stimulate the reflex points on the feet.
The technique promotes well-being
Suitable for dry skin. Quench your skin’s thirst with this deeply nourishing treatment, using a key ingredient called Trehalose, a
Click the learn more link to see our full range of nail treatments.
For nail treatments please contact us to
Lip Or Chin,, Eye Brows, Under Arms, Legs, Bikini, Brazillion, Hollywood, Male Back and Shoulder, Male Chest.